General · Short Story · Writing

Write 1, Sub 1 Challenge

This is the challenge:

  • Write and submit a short story every week (or month), starting the first week of January 2011 and ending the last week of December 2011.
  • Goal: 52 new submissions in 52 weeks (or 12 in 12 months). Obviously, it is April and I can’t do this.
  • You don’t have to write and submit the same story within the same week – although that’s what Bradbury did. Often, of course, it pays to set a story aside for a while and come back to it.
  • The length of your story can be as short as Twitter fiction (140 characters) or as long as a novelette (15,000 words). Any style, any genre: whatever you write.
  • Every week/month we’ll post a “check-in” where you can tell the world about your progress. Share your triumphs and disasters here or tweet them with the #write1sub1 Twitter hashtag.

The idea is to finish the first draft of a story in one week. 100-300 words a day. 100 words isn’t too much and it will still leave me time to work on the novel in progress. I don’t want to do one, and neglect the other. 🙂 So the short story will be 700 to 2100, which is a decent length for the shorter short stories.

I don’t think there isn’t too much of a market out there for stories of that length. I think magazine short stories tend to be around 5000 words. But it makes for good practice. Tighter sentences, plots and all. Though I will submit at least one a month just to keep with the challenge (that’s why I am not doing the weekly version)

I will choose an image for inspiration.  I am starting it on Sunday and ending it on Saturday of the next week.

I found a picture called Fantasy by CupcakeKiller on deviantART.

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