
I is for Ideas

I think I am going through an idea drought lately. Well, more like than I am stuck on the current novel in progress. I don’t know how to go on. I got the middle blues. Which is where I usually get stuck. It’s depressing. I know what happens after this bit, but not how to get there.

I guess that’s why I started the erotica novella. It’s an idea I’ve had for some time and just never really did anything about.

Though I don’t know – should I take a month-long break from the novel to do this? I am and I am hoping it’ll shake something loose. I was frustrated trying to write a transition type bit in the novel and not get getting anywhere. Maybe I should have written the piece(s) afterward, just to give myself a goal. Maybe. I don’t know.

But the erotica novella is new and interesting too so . . . I’m just not really sure if it’s a good idea taking a long break. But we’ll see.

7 thoughts on “I is for Ideas

  1. I often find myself stuck in the middle. Getting started can be so exciting then I sometimes just seem to get tired I guess. Hope you get unstuck okay.

  2. I have ideas for cool websites, but don’t have the resources to make them a reality. It’s a different sort of “drought,” but also frustrating.

  3. If you don’t have any new ideas, utilizing old ones you never worked with is a fine idea. I recommend anyone keep a document of their various ideas as time goes along. It helps kill one of the excuses for writer’s block.

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