Short Story · Writing

Succinctly Yours: A Funny Home Video

Succinctly Yours is a weekly meme by grandma. Of this meme she says:

How low can you go?

Use the photo as inspiration for a story of 140 characters OR 140 words. It doesn’t have to be exactly 140, just not more. This one is 140 characters.

Ready: Let the bug out of its jar.

Set: Point the cat at the bug.

Go: Record the cat chase the bug about the room.

Hope the video wins!

15 thoughts on “Succinctly Yours: A Funny Home Video

  1. Sonia, you have my vote! 🙂 That is even though I think it will be short because the cat will make quick work of that silly ‘bug.’
    Could be vice versa, the bug may ‘fly‘ away.

  2. I’d like to see that video! Maybe if the fly were to be deprived of oxygen for a few minutes its flight would be slower and the cat could catch it. This is a cute SY story.

  3. Funny! Our cats AND dogs love to chase flies. Our Lab nearly put himself through the kitchen window once going after one. LOL Fortunately, we don’t get many in the house, but when we do our four-legged furries equate them with protein snacks. Ugh!

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