reading · Writing

On Lassitude and Not Writing

Writing is the one of those you need to keep doing or you lose the knack of it. Me, I just haven’t been feeling it this past week. It’s a long time for me to go without writing so much as a single line. It’s odd.

I am more interested in reading than writing. The rewrite is going well enough and I know what I want to change, I just haven’t been motivated to do it. I don’t know why.

Maybe I am just tired. I don’t feel flat-out exhausted. Just more of a continuous low level sort of tiredness. Which is not an excuse – if I have the energy to read three full length novels this week, shouldn’t I have the energy to write a couple pages?

Yeah, three novels. I’ve gotten more reading this week than the last few weeks. Which is good in one way, but not so good in others.

But I am starting again. I am going to take this week start from where I left off last time and get closer to the end point. I will find the energy. Somewhere. This feeling of lassitude will go away. I dislike lassitude.

7 thoughts on “On Lassitude and Not Writing

  1. I know the feeling… Except I think we’ve reversed roles. I’m usually horrible about starting to write and I’ve finally had a week where I’ve been writing every day. I think the reading you’re doing will help light the candle and get things burning again. Everyone needs a break.

    But just start writing and after a few minutes, you probably won’t want to stop. 🙂

  2. I go through periods of greater consumption of prose, in which I always drop off in my composition. I don’t think that’s anything to beat yourself up over.

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