Short Story · Writing

Succinctly Yours: Fall Cleanup

Succinctly Yours is a weekly meme by grandma. Of this meme she says:

How low can you go?

Use the photo as inspiration for a story of 140 characters OR 140 words. It doesn’t have to be exactly 140, just not more. This one is 139 characters.

Distracted by the sound of her kids laughing, she looked out the window. They were playing, throwing leaves around. “Bag them,” she called.

20 thoughts on “Succinctly Yours: Fall Cleanup

  1. “She” must have been pretty upset. That’s a lot of leaves to bag! The kids would soon see, throwing leaves around is much easier than bagging them. Funny in a way!

  2. Now THAT’S a spoilsport mother! I know, I know, kids gotta learn to help out around the house, but still… is important, too. Good one, Sonja!

  3. Leaves are sentimental for me. The last line in my book is “I will never forget the blonde baby boy with the big blue eyes, playing in the leaves.”
    Anyway..thanks for stopping by! A gaper delay is when there is an accident or a cop has somebody stopped on the side of the road and every one slows down to look or gape…causing a traffic jam or delay…It always makes me laugh when I hear it on the news!

  4. We used to have to do the leaves when we were kids, but we always played with them first. Mom knew we would, of course.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  5. A great contrast of adult and child perspectives. I remember filling almost twenty bags of leaves one weekend. Then I looked out and say that my six year old neighbor had split the bags and dumped the leaves to create a jumping pile. I wanted to wring his little neck! He’s in his thirties now and I still tease him about it.

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