reading · Writing

On Rereading and Writing

What makes a book worth rereading? Why do I reread? This question has been on my mind this past week. (I’ve been doing a lot of rereading lately.)

There are a few books I reread over and over again. This past week, I have reread the whole Belgariad series by David Eddings. Almost the whole Malloreon series, too. I reread quite a few of Joey W. Hill’s books over and over again, too. I am not sure why.

David Eddings books are good, but they are not that good. They really aren’t. In terms of characters, of plot, of writing, there are lots of other books that are better. I read them for the for the first time in high school and they amazed me. But other books amazed me at 14 and that don’t hold up nearly so well to a reread now. I think that means I’ve grown more critical as a reader.

I am not sure what magic the Belgariad series holds, but whatever it is, I would like to learn it. If I knew it, I could put that  little bit of that magic on my own writing.

(It is easier to figure out why I reread Joey W. Hill books – she is the best erotica writer I’ve ever read.)