
R is for Reasons I Read

I love reading books. This blog is one result of that.

Sometimes people ask why, like it’s some weird thing. Usually the only answer I have is: I like it.

But I thought I would list some slightly more detailed reasons.

1. It’s fun.
2. The world draws me in and I don’t want to leave.
3. I love the characters.
4. The subject matter is fascinating.
5. It’s relaxing.
6. Makes me happy.

Okay, so most of these boil down to: I like it. I guess I don’t really have a better reason and I am not sure I need one. I just wish more people shared it.

I know a lot of people list more noble reasons to read:

* Learn something about the world and yourself
* Become more empathic
* Increase your vocabulary
* Become more imaginative
* Sharpens the mind

While these are all no doubt true, if I didn’t enjoy it so much, I wouldn’t spend so many hours reading.

I suspect the people who don’t read just don’t enjoy it. And telling them it’s good for them isn’t enough motivation to make them want to read a story. (Personally I think it’s just because they haven’t found the right story.)

Do you enjoy reading? And if so, why?

34 thoughts on “R is for Reasons I Read

  1. I enjoy reading to pieces, but I just haven’t had as much time for it as I’d like. I did sit down & polish off a couple books at the turn of the month, though.

    Often, I wish blogs and the like had been available when I was in high school. I was a VORACIOUS reader back then. The idea of hanging out a “reviewer” shingle, and having people give me books, would have been just toooo tempting!

  2. I absolutely love reading! I love being taken into a story to the point of forgetting everything around me. A very good book is an intense experience with emotional connection – I love finding those treasures, and share them with everyone! Storytelling is my absolute love, may it be via books or cinema or the small screen. It is just beautiful if everything is done right – downright magick!

  3. I couldn’t imagine my life without books and I find non-readers are fascinated by the amount of books I read, and as for reviewing, “isn’t that like work?” is a common comment. I enjoy it for a number of reasons but like you, I enjoy it, I’ve always done it and there aren’t many cheaper forms of entertainment out there!

  4. There’s a quote that says something like “There is no such thing as a person who hates to read–there are only people who have not yet found the right book.”
    I’m lucky that I found the “right books” early in my life–I can’t remember not loving to read. It’s just a part of who I am and what I do.

  5. I have loved to read ever since I learned how. I love it because it is an escape to a different world. Other people prefer escaping in different ways (like through television or movies), but I find books more engaging and more relaxing at the same time. I am so thankful for books!

  6. Yes I enjoying reading, and more often than not fantasy is a fav with me because it takes me away from the mundane and asked me to suspend belief and then I too can ride on the backs of dragons! ^_^

  7. Everything on your list is a good reason to read. I wish I’d read more than I do. I guess I’d have to stop a lot of my blogging activity though. But,hey, that involves a lot of reading doesn’t it?

    Wrote By Rote
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  8. I love reading.That’s what has fuelled my passion for writing my own stories. The days I am unable to read I get all grumpy. Nothing like a good book to perk me up.

  9. I love reading. I love language, the entertainment value, learning to become a better writer through reading…so many things. I also agree with the reasons listed in your post.

  10. Great post for letter R, I love reading too, I read all sorts depending on my mood. I do enjoy learning something from a book whilst enjoying the story.

  11. I haven’t been reading much lately, but may be this post will now inspire me to pick up the habit I so loved 🙂

  12. I’m an avid reader and usually read between 100-200 books a year. Growing up we didn’t have a tv and instead we spent hours every week reading. That’s carried over with me as an adult and I still don’t have a tv hooked up, and all my down time is spent with a book.

    Now following your blog through bloglovin 🙂
    Finley Jayne

  13. I prefer reading more than anything. I carry books with me, like friends, just in case they want to spend a few minutes with me. I love, love to read and I have passed that on to my kids!

  14. I love reading – that feeling of being sucked into a story can’t be replicated by any other medium – but sadly I don’t read as much as I should or would like to

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